Right, so I know I haven’t posted on here in…well….far far too long

And the main reason I am doing now is because I’m soooo sick of what I should be doing (looking for a Uni that will accept me on a history course with less than 3 As but is still a respectable Uni arrgh). Josh is on holiday in Prague and I miss him looots, and my laptop screen is completely and utterly screwed, so I’m using the crappy home computer. All in all, not having a fab day.

On the plus side, I went to counselling today, and because I’m a “young person” I was in the child’s section, so I was surrounded by wendy houses and soft toys which was ace, along with a poster of this fantastic frog:

Sigmund Frog! How cool is that? It must be there to amuse the counsellors because there’s no way the little kids that go there are going to know who Freud is unless they’re very very odd.

Last weekend I went to Leeds Festival, which was awesome :). I won’t talk about the bands, because everywhere on the web has better reviews than I could ever write, but I did have a fantastic time cooking pasta at midnight, using a crisp packet to repair a leak in the tent, being asked (by someone very stupid) “can you make bacon from beef?” and hearing about the girl that went into the toilet after her bag. Yuck!

And now, I must leave this blog and continue distracting myself with looking at shoes online 🙂 mmmm shoes.

Hey, long time no blog!

I really should be a lot less lazy and keep up with this thingymabob. I can’t remember what’s happened since my last blog, it was so long ago! I’m about to go to bed so this is a really pointles blog, I just remembered I have to go into school tomorrow for a revision session eugh so i’ll write more after that I guess
ta ra for now

x x x

Hey team!

I haven’t posted in a while, ahh well, I’m rubbish like that.
So the big news at the moment I’d guess is that I’ve started my new 6th form!

To be honest, I know I sound pretty geeky saying it, but it’s sooooo good and so much fun 🙂 I’m really loving it, however sad that sounds. I now do subjects that I really enjoy: Modern History, English Language, Biology and Drama (their drama department is AMAZING) and have teachers that I actually get along with and…the most different thing of all……there are BOYS there.
For those of you that didn’t already know, I used to go to an all girls grammar school…urgh
but now I go to a mixed sex comprehensive, and it’s pretty darned awesome really.


Oh and I suppose the other news is, I’m no longer ginger. I’ve dyed my hair the closest to my natural colour it’s been in about five years



so yeah, that’s me 🙂 how about you lot?



oh, and I’ve just posted my first vlog…but it’s pretty lame, it’s only about 30 seconds long



there you go 🙂


right, love you alll



x x x

Wow. I’m back from Egypt, it was just…woah. Undescribable. It was the best holiday I’ve ever been on. We didn’t go to the pyramids because they were about 7 hours away from where we were, but we went to some amazing places. Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, The Temple of Hetshepsut, Komombo Temple, Philae Temple, Abu Simbel; to name just a few. I think it’s best if I just show you, rather than try to explain how amazing it was and totally fail.

http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j224/Salbob_photos/Egypt/ if it asks for a password, the guest password is cheesecake =]
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j224/Salbob_photos/Egypt/CIMG1458.jpg my favourite picture from the whole holiday

I made some awesome friends on holiday too 🙂 the two who were in the tight knit cruise-crew were Lucy and Simon, and we were gutted to leave because Lucy lives in Burnley and Simon lives in London, while I live up in stinky Lancaster, so we’re really far away from each other :(. But the internet is a wonderful thing and we’re keeping in touch.

I’m going to have to make the rest of this quick as I have a bus to catch, I’ll edit it to be better later!


I got my GCSE results on Thursday, very happy Sally!!:

A* History
A* English Literature
A* English Language
A* Drama
A Biology
A Chemistry
A Product Design
B Physics
B Maths
B Art
B German



right bus to catch

byeeee 😀  x x x



EDIT: yeah i can’t be bothered to make this any better, sorry, basically i’m really happy with my results and got into the 6th form i wanted to 🙂

yeah, more film watching timess

I watched The Shawshank Redemption on Friday, and Braveheart last night. The Shawshank Redemption was brilliant, it was really really moving, I was nearly crying for a lot of it, and not many films make me cry. Actually not much in general makes me cry, so it’s quite an acheivement =].

Braveheart is another film I loved. I last watched it when I was home sick from school, pretty much unable to move off the sofa so the only thing I could do for about a week was watch films. First time I watched it it really moved me and I welled up at the end, but this time I was prepared, but still really enjoyed it.

But this blog isn’t ALL about films, oh no :). First off, my blog actually got read! Yes, IndigoCrayon, thankyou for commenting my blog =] it really made me feel loved, whooop. If I could work out how, I’d put you on my BlogRoll right now, but I’m still getting used to all this.
Secondly, I’m going on holiday tomorrow!!!!! I can’t wait! I’m going to EGYPT for a Nile Cruise :D. *does excited dance* I’ve not actually packed yet, and I have work from 3pm until about 8pm, so I’ll be running around in a mad panic when I get back filling my case with whatever junk I can think of and forgetting to take something crucial like my toothbrush or underwear, it’s the way it always goes with holidays. We’re leaving at 5am tomorrow morning. Yuckkkyyy.
And thirdly, I’ve finally finished Breaking Dawn. What a waste of my life that was. It sucked. I thought Stephenie Meyer could sink no lower in that series. I was wrong. So very, very wrong. I’m so glad to have finished it before tomorrow though, there’s no way I’m taking up valuable space lugging that piece of crap to Egypt and back. I’d be too tempted to drop it off the side of the boat. I don’t want to give anything away in this blog if you haven’t read it, so I’ll wait a while and review it when the hype’s died down. But in my opinion it sucked. Hopefully I’ve got some better books to read on holiday =].

Also, a nice little annecdote from this morning:). I have two dogs, both of them terriers though not pure-breeds. Because we’re going on holiday we needed somewhere for them to stay. Originally they were both going to stay with my grandparents, but the newer of the two dogs, Charlie, has a habit of chasing cyclists on walks, chewing furniture and escaping from the garden, you know, typical new dog things. But my grandad’s just found out he might have cancer, and at 87, he’s not in the best shape to deal with an over-excitable energy ball, so after a long series of desperate phonecalls, we’ve managed to find kennels for Charlie to stay in. Hopefully he’ll understand that we’ll come back for him. This morning we took Jumble, my other dog, to my grandparents to stay, because she’s older and calmer and they like having a small quiet dog about, but what we didn’t count on was that Charlie would whine in the most heart-renching manner possible when Jumble left the house without him. I sat next to him on the floor for about an hour while he just sat there trembling and whining. It’s quite hard to explain to a small dog that doesn’t speak English that his friend hasn’t gone forever. He just has the eyes that make you feel guilty.


Love and all that
x x x



and that ^ ^ ^ ^ would be me and Charlie.


P.S. I’m trying to use more capitals when I’m posting, because I’m a grammar nerd.

hey 🙂
soooo, it’s been a ridiculously long time since i last posted a blog….sorry about that that’s disgraceful of me to fall so early on in the game
i don’t think anyone’s really reading these yet [if you are feel free to comment] so i should probably get around to doing some more flagrant publicising on some happy little forums 🙂
okay i’ve used the “:)” twice in 5 lines, that’s a bad sign *hangs head in shame*

today i went to see The Dark Knight, which was fantastic. heath ledger was amazing in it, and i thought gary oldman was brilliant, as was morgan freeman. really, i loved it.
i’m such a film geek, i only realised recently; my last blog was just me rambling about films.
my brother and his girlfriend are staying at the moment and we watched the baz luhrmann version of romeo and juliet, which i’d forgotten how much i liked, it’s so beautiful and probably one of the best modernised shakespeares i’ve ever seen. i know loads of people shy away from modernised shakespeares, but i think that if they’re done well and thoroughly, then they are incredible, because there’s always a way that the storylines still relate to the modern day, but presenting it in the modern setting makes it so much more obvious and easier to draw parallels between, i love that.
okay….rambling on and on here, oh well. must point out though i DO [i]love[/i] the traditional play of romeo and juliet, it’s still incredibly beautiful and timeless etc etc

*thinks* what else has been going on in my world?
hmm, well i’ve dyed my hair red. it’s pretty faded now mind, but yeah 🙂




i have a load more i should say, but it’s late and i can’t remember, so i’ll post again soon

love and all that 🙂
x x x

Right, so in the last couple of days i’ve watched four pretty good films, all of which are pretty unique
– cloverfield
– hard candy
– the crow
– bewitched

yes, i have a superbly long summer holiday and a horrible form of plague, so i’m staying inside a lot with not much to do except veg around in my jamas watching films on my laptop and start a blog.

cloverfield was good, i won’t ruin it for those of you that haven’t seen it. but it was quite good, the hand-held-camera effect was cool and unusual but did make me feel really sick and a lot of the time i felt like they were using it to just skimp on the CGI, but it was good.

hard candy was really really just wowww =]. i loved ellen page in this. i also totally want the red hoody she wears, and will start a hunt as soon as i stop being house-bound. all the little details of this film and the way it really makes you think were incredible, i really enjoyed it.

the crow. i loved this film. probably because i was geeky enough to have read the graphic novel form of it before, but i just thought it was really well filmed and dark in just the right way. it was really well produced, and the end was beautiful. i loved the costumes, especially sarah’s whole look. i found it quite odd how similar brandon lee’s make-up as eric was to heath ledger’s make-up as the new joker in dark knight, but i don’t think it’s a bad thing. it’s so sad that brandon lee died on the set of the crow =[

and finally, bewitched 😀 i’ve just this second finished watching bewitched. it’s awesome. i had no idea it was a film about remaking the original series. the sound track is great =]. will ferrel and nicole kidman work perfectly in it. it’s such a light-hearted funny feel-good film, which is just what i needed after those three ^ ^ ^ haha. i used to watch the original series when i was little, and i think this was a brilliant way of re-doing it. michael cane was really good in it too. i really didn’t expect it to be as good as it was. the story line was good, and it made me laugh a lot. i was going to say something else but now i can’t remember what. damn it -_-.

anyway i should probably sleep again, it’s 1.15am, and staying awake won’t help me get better. yay for good films :).

love x x x x

Hi 😀 for those of you that don’t know me, i’m sally, and i’ve finally got myself a blog =].

Right, as my first blog i’ll just ramble a bit..which is probably how everything will go from here on in. God it’s scarily windy outside, it’s twenty to twelve and i’m sat in bed on my laptop, and i can hear all the trees bending in that kind of crappy-horror-movie-way and the rain is lashing down. i love it. I should be asleep, i’m so tired that the bags under my eyes look like i’ve been punched, and i’m covered in bruises and splinters from spending the night carrying wood to the fire and lying on the ground in a sleeping bag….perhaps i should explain 🙂

Basically, yesterday was my last GCSE exam =] history paper 3. After it was over i got changed in school then ran up to the station to meet katy, who’s mum dropped her off with her tent and sleeping bag etc. We then went to the other side of the station and met my dad, who i gave my school bags and uniform and he gave me the tent and sleeping bag.
We got the train with lindsey to silverdale and a shuttle bus to max’s. Then, we hit the tentastrophy. Katy’s tent went up fine. Mine, however, which is really my dad’s and has been with us since before my 21 year old brother was born, refused to be put up properly. There were too many poles and pegs and ridiculous parts to it. We got it half way up and i got so angry with it i gave up and dismantled it, saying i’d sleep outside if i needed to. Everyone else turned up and assembled two smaller 2 man tents, and we lit the bonfire and proceeded to drink and rave the night away in max’s fields / garden / house / etc.
Eventually everyone started to turn in, and me and four others crawled over to the fire in our sleeping bags and spent the night there sitting on spare tyres that were in the field from horse jumping. We spent most of the night keeping the fire burning by going up to the house and bringing large wooden pallets back, with many splinters and pulled muscles. I stayed awake all night, and at about 4am it was suddenly very bright, as though the daylight had just sprung up on us. Everyone else woke up then and we were all up and dressed by about six, with all the tents packed away and the fire put out.
So those of us who needed to get a train back to lancaster could be seen, at half past six in the morning, trailing down a road in silverdale to the station carrying tents and sleeping bags. My tent was so big two of us had to carry it because it wouldn’t fit in just one bag, and we carried it in the way you would carry a child in your arms. We heaped onto the train and arrived at lancaster, flopping down in costa coffee at about half seven and watching all the kids go to school, because we’ve finished but they haven’t. We then moved over to macdonalds and didn’t move again for about another hour and a half, when i went and bought a hoody from new look, got changed and did my teeth in a public toilet in lancaster and got the bus home.
My brother took one look at me when i got in at half 10 and decided that i should just go straight to bed.
I crawled in and didn’t move again until my mum came home from work at 5pm and came to wake me up.

And now i’m very bruised, covered in splinters and very tired, but so very very happy.
I’ll try and get pictures up as soon as i can.

Also, i think i’m going to the doctor’s tomorrow cause i have a five week old cough that won’t go away. I don’t think camping helped much.

Now, to sleep through the weather =] x x